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Frederick Rolfing
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Emily D. Gordon
Certified Advanced Rolfer™
(240) 575-0454

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Emily working on a client.
(photo by Turner Photography)

Emily D. Gordon is a Structural Integrator and Certified Advanced Rolfer. If interested, you can download her CV.

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Emily has also lived in Indianapolis, Ind., and spent six years in eastern Bavaria, where she completed her basic training in Rolfing. While in Germany, she was a contractor with the Department of Army to provide bodywork services for a military installation, and had a small German practice.

Returning to the US in 2008, Emily established a practice here in Frederick and has since completed advanced training in Rolfing. She continues to attend various courses in which she further explores the science and art of working on the human body.

Emily practices classical Japanese martial arts (jodo, iaido and jujutsu), has earned a black belt in aikido and was instrumental in organizing several national and international martial arts seminars and events.

She is a naturalist by inclination, as well as an avid gardener and outdoorswomen who spends as much time in the natural world as possible. She tries to 'walk the talk'.with resistance training, a variety of outdoor activities and mobility work.

Emily is married to a former Soldier and retired US government worker who supports her career, cares for the house and oversees their two cats, Elvis and Cleo.
